One of our favorite places to go is to the beach. Living in Southern California we have access to many of these beaches and we have a few favorites. We just find it very peaceful and very inspiring. You can feel down in the dumps and a visit to the beach can change all that just from being there.

My wife and I have had some of the most awe inspiring talks while at the beach. It often brings back memories about fun times we have had and we talk about some of the things that we have seen. It also inspires us to dream and talk about things we would like to see and do in the future.

But our happiest time was getting married on the beach in Malibu, California. It was so fun to share with our friends and family the peace and inspirational energy that we feel from this place. The beach will always be an important element in our lives and even though we may get busy with life we try to make sure that we take some time to ourselves (and our two adorable dogs) and go to the beach.

I hope this song leaves you with a bit of that inspiration and hope that it always gives to us. Did someone say road trip? The song is scheduled for release on July 25, 2023. Take advantage of the Pre-Save Now button in the widget below. You have a choice for several of the streaming platforms that you might be one. Choose your favorite and it will be delivered to you on release day.

July 26, 2023 Update: The song has been released on all streaming platforms. The button below has a number of the different streaming platforms wired up so you can listen to the song from your favorite streaming platform right from this widget. These include Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, YouTube and few others. Check it out and enjoy a day at the beach curtesy of The Donald Schulz Project.