This music was performed for the first time at my Mom and Dad’s 25th Wedding Anniversary. Several years later I rearranged the music and recording this in a 24 track studio in Edmonton, Alberta with some friends and some additional professional musicians. This became a very limited release and one of the last things that I pressed into a vinyl record. The music centers around a good cup of coffee. One of the signs that indicated to us as kids that company was coming was sound of the very loud percolator that would be whooshing away making that hot cup of java.

My parents loved to entertain guests, especially my Dad and that always included coffee. This music is all about the making of that beverage. In fact I even recorded my Mom’s percolator as it went to work and included it in the recording. Less than a month later that machine died and by then everyone was switching to coffee drip machines. Which are a whole lot less interesting to listen to, too quiet.

Recently I got the original 24 tracks converted to digital stems and rebuilt the music with a lot of new cuts of instruments and included a few of the original tracks to make this new recording. Giving it a more up to date sound but the feel is pretty much the same. This music pairs very nicely with a good old cup of coffee.

For your convenience I have an embedded player streaming from Spotify. The song is available on all the streaming platforms so no matter where you get your streaming music from you should be able to find it there. If you prefer to download a copy of Hot Java Click on my BandCamp link where you can download and purchase Hot Java. Thanks for being a fan. If you haven’t already make sure you signup for my Newsletter so you will always know about new music and other news that I want to share. One more thing, could you please follow me on Spotify as this helps me get some better exposure on Spotify. Thanks again, you are awesome.

2023-07-19 Update: Because not everyone might be on Spotify, I have a new launcher that pops up to launch the song on several of the most popular platforms out there. This includes Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, Amazon Music, YouTube, Tidal, and Deezer. Let me know in the comments if there are other streaming platforms that you would like to see included here. Just click on the Stream Now button to reveal the launcher.