This is a declaration of my intentions to stay in my new found home in California. When I first moved to California for work, my original intention was to stay here for a couple of years and then go back to Canada. However, since then things really changed for me. I met Mary and it was like suddenly the person I had been looking for all my life was right here in the land that I loved to visit and have always been drawn to.

Mary and I got married on a sandy beach in Malibu California with most of my immediate family and a few of our closest friends from work. My plans have changed and I am just fine with that. I have wanted to live in southern California ever since the first time that my family visited this piece of paradise.

You can’t blame me I have always been attracted to the big City life and even though I live in a smaller City about 40 miles North West of Los Angeles we can enjoy all the luxuries that come from living so close to L.A. & Hollywood. We go to outdoor Concerts in the Summer at the Hollywood Bowl and Greek Theater. There are concerts happening all the time with mega stars that would never tour my old neck of the woods. You can also catch some of the real stars of the recording industry, the studio musicians that never tour but they might do a night or two at a local nearby club.

This song will take you on a journey of the things that I am leaving behind. Canada is a beautiful place but it has many hardships as well that you cannot ignore. The chorus centers around the declaration that I am here in my new home with no intention what so ever of moving back to Canada. I do miss my siblings, nephews, niece, cousins, and of course my mom. I don’t get to visit as often as I like but this is where I am going to stay.