This is the first song that I ever wrote about my wife, Mary. We like playing games it is one of the things that we like doing together besides just hanging out. She is the first person that I have ever met that has the same temperament as myself. When I first told some of my friends about Mary they would ask me what is she like? I would reply that she is just like me except she is a woman.

The song itself has a very playful feel to it. Parts of it feel kind of beachy like in the Caribbean. For about 4 years in a row before the Pandemic we would spend about a week out in those beaches as we went on an annual Vegan Cruise. This is where we heard a lot of Steel Drum bands as they would be playing as we got off of the Ship at the various ports. An interesting fact I went to Grant McEwan’s music program for about a year in Edmonton, Alberta. There were some students there from either Jamaica or Trinidad and they played steel drums. They were there to learn how to play jazz on these instruments. It was an interesting year and pretty cool to hear jazz elements being played on a Steel Drum.

I had a lot of fun writing and recording this song. It is just a nice feel good song and hope you enjoy this song as much as I did in creating it. Play the game is now streaming from all the streaming platforms. I have provided for your convenience direct links to the song for all the major streaming platforms. Just click on the Stream Now button at the bottom of the album art on the left. Thanks again for listening and being a fan.

2023-05-13 Update: I just received a very nice review from Radio Airplay that I just had to share with you all. It also serves as a place where I can find it myself.


2023-07-19 Update: Because not everyone might be on Spotify, I have a new launcher that pops up to launch the song on several of the most popular platforms out there. This includes Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, Amazon Music, YouTube, Tidal, and Deezer. Let me know in the comments if there are other streaming platforms that you would like to see included here. Just click on the Stream Now button to reveal the launcher.